Thursday, March 24, 2011

message from ARASHI

I would like to share something, a message from Arashian...
~~they always touch our hearts ne?


We would like to express our deepest condolences to all of those who have been affected by this earthquake

Everyday, the more we watch news, the more we know about the situation, we become increasingly worried about everyone who's suffered

We've heard that a great deal of fans have been concerned about us, but we're all fine, rest assured

Right now, cooperating with conserving energy and water, not using the phone unless it's urgent, and donating money to relief funds...
that's all we can do to help from where we are in Tokyo
We believe that every little bit helps

What we can do to help is probably limited, but we're trying our best to do what we can,
Because we want to make everyone smile again, if just a little

For everyone in the affected areas,
there's surely still no room to let their guards down,
but all of us members are hoping that you can encourage your friends and family,
as well as those around you
The maybe you can overcome these tough times


we know that they're always there for us rite?

source: chibarashi

1 comment:

arashiteru ^^ said...

yes, it is still're free to order =D

thanks for visiting our blog.